Tuesday, December 27, 2011


Forretress is a Bagworm Pokemon, which is protected by an outer shell.  Nobody really knows what the Pokemon looks like without its armor on.  The only thing we do see are its eyes.
To me, Forretress is a Pokemon full of potential.  He's a Bug and Steel type, which is an okay type matchup.  All you're weak to is Fire-Type moves, and when those moves hit, they hit hard.  However, it still doesn't mean that it makes Forretress bad or anything.  I mean- look at Scizor; he's gotta be one of the toughest of all Bug-Types.  Forretress has an average amount of HP, an a fair Attack stat.  Being a Steel-Type, he has high Defense stats.  However, Forretress has low Sp. Attack, Sp. Defense, and Speed stats.  The thing that bugs me is that Forretress seems to lack some strong Physical Moves.
You can use Heavy Slam, but Forretress isn't exactly the heftiest Pokemon out there, so Heavy Slam may not do much.  Bug Bite isn't a bad move to put on him.  You can use Double-Edge and Gyro Ball, but Double Edge just gives you recoil, and being a Normal-Type move it isn't super-effective against anything.  I just don't use Double-Edge.  For me, Gyro Ball never works, no matter how slow a Pokemon is.  Explosion is okay, and is really useful if you're desperate.  But I don't like it seeing as how you never know how much damage it may inflict, and if it doesn't do much, you just "kill" yourself for nothing.  I poorly decided to make mine Specially based.  I gave him Sunny Day and Solar Beam, and Zap Cannon, too.  I like it, but I don't think it's the best strategy.  Give him Counter, it's really good, or maybe Rapid Spin.
Forretress's only ability is Sturdy.  You can't be knocked out with one hit as long as you have full HP.  It can be useful against Fire-Types, I guess, and you can strike with counter.  He has a Dream World ability called Overcoat.  You take no damage from Hail or Sandstorm weather conditions.  You don't take damage from Sandstorm because you're a Steel-Type, but you are protected from Hail.  It's okay.
Forretress is not for everybody, but when use correctly, he can be a powerhouse of power or something.

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