Thursday, December 22, 2011


All Spinda have their own, unique patterns.  In fact, the chances of them having the same pattern is about less than one in a few million.
Spinda is cute; I like his cute looks and everything.  However, it goes downhill from here.
For starters, Spinda's base stats are 60 HP, 60 Attack, 60 Defense, 60 Sp. Attack, 60 Sp. Defense, 60 Speed.  A base stat of 60 means low status.  It basically renders Spinda practically useless.  Although, I have to give Ken Sugimori credit for designing a cool and cute lil' panda thing.
His stats are really low, but he does have an okay moveset.  Believe it or not, Spinda learns Thrash.  He can also use that "Hypnosis-Dream Eater" strategy.  Spinda learns other useful moves like Psybeam, Dizzy Punch, and Double-Edge.  That's good, but doesn't fix the low stats.
There's an up side, and that's one of Spinda's abilities, Own Tempo.  You can't get confused.  If you equip Spinda with Thrash, you won't be confused after Thrash is over.  In my opinion it's one of the best strategies Spinda has to offer.  Spinda's other ability isn't that good.  It's called tangled feet.  Your evasion goes up by one if you are confused.  Again, okay if you give Spinda Thrash, you'll become confused and your evasion goes up by 1.  But you're still confused.
Overall, Spinda has its ups and downs, and he isn't my first recommendation.  You probably need to have a lot of experience before you actually use a Spinda.

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