Wednesday, December 28, 2011


Sharpedo is known as the Brutal Pokemon, and they live up to that classification.  It is actually sometimes called the "Bully of the Sea".  It can swim 75 mph.  Sharpedo's fangs can rip through the toughest of metal.  If they snap off, they grow back in no time.
I think Sharpedo's pretty hardcore.  I like his design and everything.  He has really high Attack stats.  He also has fair Sp. Attack status, too, so you can make Physically or Specially based, but probably better if it is Physically based.  He has bad Defense and Sp. Defense stats, and that can make Sharpedo pretty vulnerable.  He also has acceptable Speed, but it isn't exactly the best combination of stats.
Sharpedo has lots of good Physical moves, including Skull Bash, Night Slash, Slash, Aqua Jet, Crunch, Waterfall, Dive, Giga Impact, and some more.  His best Sp. Attacks are Ice Beam, Hydro Pump, Ancientpower, Surf, and other moves.  He can also use the Hail and Blizzard strategy.  Blizzard has 100% accuracy in the Hail weather condition.  Again, he has mainly just moves that are STAB moves.  Same Type Attack Bonus, basically just moves that are the same type as the user.  It makes the moves stronger, you know.
Sharpedo's ability is Rough Skin.  If your opponent's moves make Physical Contact with you, they take a little damage.  People like to combine this ability with an item like the Rocky Helmet.  Not all Physical moves fall under the "Physical Contact" category.  Earthquake and Stone Edge are examples of Physical moves that don't make contact.  Sharpedo also has a new Dream World ability, which is Speed Boost.  Basically, your Speed stat goes up by 1 every turn.  It's amazing, and is worth taking a look at.
So Sharpedo may not have the best combination of low and high stats, but that's the only bad part of him as I see it.  If used correctly, Sharpedo could possibly become a potential threat to opponents.

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