Friday, December 23, 2011


Houndoom breathes out flames when it's angry.  The flames contain toxins, and can cause burns that hurt forever.  When other Pokemon hear its howls, they get scared and go right back to their nests.
Houndoom is based off of a Hellhound of some sort.  Houndoom's highest stat is its Sp. Attack.  Houndoom does have some good Sp. Attacks, but he also has an acceptable Attack stat, too.  This way you could make him Physically based or Specially based.  He has an okay Speed, Sp. Defense, and HP stat, but there's a small problem, and that's that Houndoom has low Defense.  What makes it worse is the fact that Houndoom is a Dark Type, and he's weak to Fighting moves.  Most Fighting-Type moves are Physical, and Houndoom's low Defense stat means it could fall to a strong Fighting-Type move in one hit.
Houndoom has an acceptable movepool.  The last move he learns by Level Up is Inferno, basically just a Fire-Type Zap Cannon.  Inferno has a really low accuracy, and Houndoom lacks moves like Lock-On or Mind Reader.  Since they made the launcher in WiFi battles, you could use Embargo on your opponents.  That way, they can't use items on their Pokemon.  He has Flamethrower, Crunch, Counter, and many other good attacks.
Houndoom has the abilities Early Bird and Flash Fire.  Early Bird means you wake up from the SLEEP status condition earlier than other Pokemon would.  I guess if you had this ability you could teach Houndoom Rest if you have no berries that.  Flash Fire makes you immune to Fire-Type moves, and when you're hit by one a Fire-Type attack, the power of your Fire-Type moves goes up.  It's not bad, but then again, most people know that you shouldn't hit a Fire-Type with a Fire-Type attack because it would just be Not Very Effective.
In general, I like Houndoom.  He's something I'd consider using, but probably just in the lower tiers.

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