Friday, December 30, 2011


Dewgong's white color helps it blend in with the snow, helping it hide from predators.  The sight of a Dewgong resting on a glacier made people think it was a mermaid.  Dewgong loves cold ice.
Dewgong has got to be the cutest ice type ever!  He has a base HP of 90, a base Attack of 70, a base Defense of 80, a base Sp. Attack of 70, a base Sp. Defense of 95, and a base Speed stat of 70.  It has normal, balanced  out stats, just like Garbodor, Whiscash, Swalot, all of those other Pokemon.  Dewgong isn't what you could call the strongest Pokemon out there, but he does have some up sides.
Yet again, Dewgong's balanced out Attack stats and Sp. Attack stats makes it okay to have more Physical moves or Special moves.  He can use Signal Beam, Aurora Beam, Ice Beam, Perish Song, lots of really cool moves.  You could give him Sheer Cold or Horn Drill.  Either way, they're still both one hit KO moves that make Dewgong Dew-strong.  He can obviously also use Hail and Blizzard.
Dewgong has Hydration.  It heels Dewgong's status problems in Rainy weather conditions.  He can use Rain Dance along with that ability, so it makes Dewgong pretty useful.  Dewgong also has Thick Fat.  You take less damage from Fire and Ice-Type moves.  Considering you're almost weak to Fire-Types, it's not too bad of an ability to have.
So Dewgong is a pretty okay Pokemon, but I think he does better in the lower tiers.  He's cute and may not be the strongest, but a pretty good Pokemon overall.

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