Friday, December 30, 2011


Breloom uses its short arms stretch to throw punches.  This technique rivals that of a boxer's.  The seeds on its tail are made out of toxic spores.  It is never a good idea to eat the seeds.
Breloom is so awesome.  I'm not just speaking for myself.  According to stats, Breloom is one of the top 100 strongest Pokemon.  He's ranked 54.  Out of 649 total, that's pretty cool.  Breloom has an average amount of Defense and Speed.  He doesn't have the highest HP, Sp. Attack, or Sp. Defense stats, and his attack power is way up there with a base of 130.  It isn't great that Breloom doesn't have much HP, or Sp. Defense, so when you send a Breloom out, you want to make sure it makes its mark.
It doesn't matter that Breloom has low Sp. Attack stats because it has a good amount of Physical attacks.  You can use Counter, Force Palm, Sky Uppercut, Seed Bomb, many Physical moves to choose from.  Breloom can also learn Mind Reader.  You use this move, and the next attack that you use the next turn is guaranteed to hit the opponent.  If you use moves with a very low accuracy after Mind Reader, it's sure to hit.  Breloom can use Dynamicpunch, a move with an accuracy of 50.  It has a base power of 100, and will guarentee the target will be confused when the move hits.  It has low accuracy, so use Mind Reader, then Dynamincpunch.  Works like a charm.
Breloom has the ability Effect Spore.  If a move is used on you and it makes Physical contact, there's a chance the opponent will go under the Sleep, Poison, or Paralyzed stat condition.  It's really useful against tough opponents.  Breloom also has Poison Heal.  If Breloom is under the Poison stat condition, he'll have his HP restored, rather than taking damage from it.  Breloom is guarenteed to be poisoned if you hold an item like Black Sludge or the Toxic Orb, and he'll have HP restored every turn.  He has a new Dream World ability called Technician.  Moves with a base power of 60 or lower have their base power increased.  It is one of the best abilities out there, and it would power up a move like Force Palm.
Breloom has great abilities, moves, and skills.  Breloom is definitely one of the best Fighting Types out there.

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