Saturday, January 14, 2012


Being bitten by a Shellder on the head gave Slowking a truly smart intelligence rivaling that of an award-winning scientist's.  This happens when toxins from the Shellder entered Slowpoke's head.  Whatever situation Slowking is in, it will always stay calm and collected.
Slowking is a Pokemon that kinda freaks people out when they see it for the first time.  But it does have a good design, and it soon starts to grow on you.  Slowking is an exceptionally good Pokemon.  He has okay HP, Attack, and Defense stats.  As you can tell, it is also a slow Pokemon.  It's highest stats are its Sp. Attack and Sp. Defense stats.  It makes Slowking fairly useful.
A good thing about Slowking is that he has lots of Special moves to fit his high Sp. Attack stat.  If you want some good STAB moves, try Psychic, Future Sight, Scald, Surf, anything like that.  He learns Calm Mind, which raises its Sp. Attack and Sp. Defense stats.  Considering how good Slowking's Sp. Attack and Sp. Defense stats are already, it's a good move on him.  You can learn the recovery move, Slack Off, which restores HP.  Slowking has a good amount of useful moves for himself.
He has the same abilities as Slowbro does.  Oblivious means you can't fall in love with your opponent's Pokemon.  Moves such as Attract or the ability Cute Charm have no effect on Slowking.  It's okay, but most people don't seem to use the move Attract.  Plus, if your opponent's Pokemon are the same gender as Slowking, this ability doesn't really do much.  The other ability, Own Tempo, prevents you from being confused.  Swagger and Flatter can't do anything to you.  Unlike infatuation, confusion can actually make you Pokemon hurt itself, and that's why more people seem to like Own Tempo a bit better than Oblivious.
So Slowking is a good Pokemon.  Not exactly the best, but it makes a great Pokemon overall.  If you experiment with Slowking, your quest for a useful Pokemon should end with him.

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