Saturday, December 31, 2011


Although Skarmory is covered in iron armor, it is known to fly more than 180 mph.  Its steel wings become bashed from repeatedly battling.  However, once a year, the wings grow back completely new and untouched.
Skarmory is a Pokemon of variety.  It has low HP and Sp. Attack stats, but it doesn't stop there.  Skarmory has acceptable Speed, Sp. Defense, and Attack stats, and he has a base Defense of 140.  This makes Skarmory a pretty decent Pokemon.
What about its attacks?  Well, seeing as how Skarmory has low Sp. Attack stats, it's best if you keep one Physically Based.  For example, he can use great moves like Steel Wing and Night Slash.  By breeding, Skarmory can use Drill Peck, Sky Attack, or Brave Bird for Flying-Type STAB moves.  All are pretty good, but keep in mind that Sky Attack takes two turns to use.  It can be used to set up entry hazards such as Spikes, or by breeding, Stealth Rock.  I personally would go for Stealth Rock, because if you're opponent's a Flying-Type or has Levitate, the Spikes won't effect them.  Stealth Rock pretty much hits any Pokemon sent in to battle.
Skarmory has an ability called Keen Eye.  Basically, your accuracy can't be lowered.  It's an incredible ability.  Skarmory also has Sturdy.  The Pokemon cannot be knocked out with one hit when at full HP.  That also counts for 1-hit KO moves.  It's really good if your opponent pulls off a strong move, but since Skarmory has high Defense stats, I don't think it'll really need Sturdy.
So Skarmory is an okay Pokemon that has high Defense stats, entry hazards, and Keen Eye.  Those are the things about him that make him good.  Just keep in mind that Skarmory is definitely not for everybody.

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