After reviewing its Pokedex entries to write the previous paragraph, I can safely say that Blissey would be way more efficient than my school nurse, maybe even any nurse. Blissey also looks like a housewife that should do all my chores for me. If you see me married to a Blissey someday, you'll know the story. It even has the maid's dress! On Bulbapedia, a website that I DO NOT OWN, they even say "She may be based on a nurse." Wow. Onto Blissey's stats, we see that its HP has a stat of 255. Higher than any other Pokemon's single stat, Blissey's HP can reach to a maximum of 714 Hit Points! That's just incredible. And it also has the highest Sp. Defense stat of any Normal Type, with a base of 135 and the 7th highest Sp. Defense stat if all the Pokemon! However, this is where all of the up sides of Blissey's stats end. Because a heavy amount of its stats are focused on Sp. Defense and HP especially, with both of the HP and Sp. Defense base numbers adding up to a total of 390, all the other stats are really down there. Blissey's Sp. Attack stat is okay; it has a base of 75. But it is slow with a base Speed stat of 55. It's Attack and Defense stats are the worst, with puny bases of 10. So we have something with really low Attack and Defense stats, something with a low Speed stat and an okay Sp. Attack stat, with huge Sp. Defense and enormous HP stats. EV Train it with Defense and Speed, as you don't need the Attack stat too high. Blissey has been known to take hits easily and some say it can't survive a blow from a Physical Fighting-Type move. If you're a professional with EV Training and you know what you're doing, Blissey can be a pain in the butt for your opponent. It also has the potential to be a gifted staller.
Blissey's movepool is wide, like most Normal-Types, and are recommended to be Special, as Blissey's Attack stat is lower than the underworld. It gets some good Special STAB moves like Hyper Beam, and- that's pretty much it. Blissey doesn't really get too much that gives it a strong STAB move that matches its higher offensive stat. Instead, it gets good Physical STAB moves like Retaliate, Giga Impact, Return, Frustration, Strength, Present, Last Resort, Double-Edge, and Egg Bomb. Dang. It does get strategical moves. You could use Toxic, then Protect and Softboiled after that. Yeah, Blissey gets a recovery move as well- it's really useful, and once again, something that can annoy the crud out of your opponent. It can use Sing and Dream Eater also, though it isn't as accurate as Hypnosis. But still, Blissey needs some help, so this is good enough. It can also learn Healing Wish in which Blissey will faint. However, the Pokemon taking its place will have HP fully restored and status conditions cured. If you switch in to a Pokemon with no status conditions or HP lost, then you've just wasted your Blissey. Be wise with this move. It also gets Aromatherapy, a move that cures all the status conditions of your entire party. It can learn Heal Bell, Helping Hand, and somehow, Gravity. We could probably go on all day talking about Blissey's strategic and recovery moves, but why don't you take a look at Blissey's movepool for yourself and pick which ones you think will be the best for your style of battling.
Blissey's abilities are each useful in very different ways, so depending on what kind of Blissey you want to "raise", you may want to consider each one wisely and pick the one that best corresponds to the way you want to, again, "raise" your Blissey. So here it goes. First off we have Natural Cure, an ability that heals all status conditions just by switching Blissey out. It's an amazing ability. It can help you overcome a Burn, Paralysis, Poisoning, and even Sleep. That's just amazing. No Pokemon without this ability could do that. Second of all, there's Serene Grace. It increases the chances of secondary effects happening to the opponent's Pokemon. If Blissey were to use Flamethrower, a move that has the secondary effect of burning the opponent- (literally), the chances of Blissey literally getting the opponent burned will rise while Serene Grace is in play. Again, this one is also an amazing ability. The third and final ability Blissey has to offer is its Dream World ability, Healer. The name of the ability just fits with Blissey real perfectly. It has the chance of healing the team's status problems. This only applies in Double, Triple, or Rotation Battles with your partner Pokemon. Though you could just use Aromatherapy, it only has 5 PP and can only get a maximum of 8 PP, so if you ever run out of PP for Aromatherapy, this ability could help you. Though it's probably not as useful as the previous two abilities, we'll save it for Alomomola and Audino. Healer isn't probably the best ability for a Pokemon such as Blissey, but if the circumstances are accurate, Healer might just be able to save your butt. Choose whichever ability works best according to your style.
Overall, Blissey is a Pokemon with out-of-the-ordinary stats. Professionally train one to stall and annoy your opponents and EV Train its Defense and Speed stats to get around the low stats catastrophe. Blissey has very, very, very useful abilities and a wide movepool that matches its higher offensive Sp. Attack stat, except with STAB moves. Yeahhh. Not to also mention its amazing strategical options with moves that benefit not only Blissey, but your entire team as well, like Healing Wish, Aromatherapy, and even Gravity. A caring, feminine, loving, and overall fairly useful Pokemon in the hands of professionals, I can safely say this has got to be one of the most positive, (and longest), reviews I've ever typed so far. I like it and it has an amazing design with cute pre-evolutionary Pokemon and an original design.
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