It has breath that is -58 degrees F. Some legends say that a woman who was lost on an icy mountain was reborn as Froslass. It's body is hollow.
This is the Snow Land Pokemon, Froslass. It looks cunning and graceful. Onto the stats, we see that Froslass is a fast Pokemon with a base Speed stat of 110. It's other stats range from a base of 70-80. No, scratch that, they're only 70's and 80's. Froslass has a base HP stat 70, a base Attack with 80, a base Defense with 70, a base Sp. Attack of 80 and a base Sp. Defense of 70. Its stats make Froslass somewhat useful. It has balanced out stats, none very high or very low, except the Speed stat. So Froslass's stats aren't quite too bad.
Froslass has the awesome move Destiny Bond. Use this move on your opponent. When the opponent's Pokemon lands the final blow on your's, the opponent goes down the Pokemon it KO'd. It's an awesome move and is always useful by all means. It can use the Hail-and-Blizzard strategy, where the move Blizzard will have 100% accuracy when you use the move Hail. There are many other good moves Froslass. It has a robust movepool.
Froslass has the ability Snow Cloak. It raises your evasion in the Hail weather condition. Evasion is how likely your Pokemon is to avoid an opponent's attack. Usually, the faster the Pokemon, the more Evasion it has. Because Froslass is already fast, I see that it isn't a good ability on Froslass, but others find it nifty and useful.
There's nothing really bad about Froslass. Maybe one or two faults, but otherwise, Froslass is a good Pokemon.
Cool! I love frosslass! It tia awesome!!!!! :)